The difference in the eye area between a man and a woman, lies essentially in the arrangement of the eyebrows, this allows us to differentiate between the two looks. In men the eyebrows are just at the orbital rim and the tail of the eyebrow is a little more down, while in women the eyebrows are a little higher and the tail of the eyebrow is a little higher too.
By correcting these small details with surgery, we achieve a more feminine appearance. If the patient is a young person, the surgeon will simply have to lift the tail of the eyebrow to the side with a small incision at the edge of the hair and this is usually sufficient. If the patient is a slightly older person, sometimes the surgeon has to do a coronal or frontal facelift to play around with these angles and leave the eyebrow in a feminine position.
FacialSurgical time
1 hour and a half.
Admission time
Outpatient Procedure.
Type of anesthesia
Type of surgery
Recovery time
5 days.
Eyebrow tail suspension
Surgery1.600 €
FacialSurgical time
3 hours.
Admission time
Outpatient Procedure.
Type of anesthesia
Type of surgery
Recovery time
10/15 days.
Coronal or Frontal
Facelift3.200 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical procedure
Follow up
Blood analysis evaluation
No. The feminization surgery is performed on the side of the forehead, leaving the scar on the edge of the hair in order to move the eyebrow tail and give it a feminine shape. Blepharoplasty is a technique used for aesthetic purposes and is to correct the eyelids.
It is a simple surgery that can be performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. If the patient is a little older the surgeon can combine eyebrown suspension tail with rejuvenation of the forehead, it is a slightly longer procedure but it can also be done with local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis.