It is a simple technique as long as the surgeon who practices it has experience since the vocal cords are behind the walnut and these can be affected if the surgeon isn't careful. It consists of reducing a part of the thyroid cartilage that is responsible for the projection of the Adam's walnut.
It is one of the cervico-facial interventions most required by trans women. The presence of the projected Adam's walnut gives them a very masculine appearance. Something that trans woman want to correct quickly since it causes them a deep discomfort.
FacialSurgical time
1 hour and a half.
Admission time
Outpatient Procedure.
Type of anesthesia
Type of surgery
On thyroid cartilage.
Recovery time
5 days.
Reduction2.500 € 1.790 €
Preoperative tests
Preoperative consultations
Surgical procedure
Follow up
Blood analysis evaluation
No, it is not a dangerous intervention as long as the surgeon who performs it has experience. A greater reduction than the corresponding one can produce serious damages in the vocal cords which are located behind the walnut, in the voice and in the respiratory function.
No. It is a surgery that is performed under an outpatient procedure and with local anesthesia. It is quite fast and little bothersome for the patient.
The results are very good and striking from the first moment, even with the anatomical limitations in relation to the presence of the vocal cords. Although a slight inflammation occurs, many times the result is noticed almost immediately, other times after a few days when the inflammation disappears completely. This logically depends on each patient.